(Special Educational Needs and Disability) 

At Goffs-Churchgate it is our aim that all our students fulfil their potential, regardless of any barriers they may encounter to their learning. 

Goffs-Churchgate’s provision is managed by Ms Everist who the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo).

Ms Everist may be contacted at or 

If you think your child may have undiagnosed SEND needs or you wish to raise a concern/complaint about your child’s SEND provision/support, please contact Mr Emmott. 

SEND Policy

Accessibility Policy

Goffs-Churchgate’s SEND provision seeks to: 

  • put individual students and their specific needs at the heart of our learning support programme 
  • work closely with parents and carers to create a personally-tailored approach 
  • promote independence and self-confidence among our SEND students, by equipping them with strategies to overcome barriers to success 
  • offer appropriate additional resources, so all SEND students achieve their full potential 
  • ensure effective and high-quality teaching from all of our teaching staff 

Local Offer/Information Report

Below is a series of FAQs around our SEND provision at Goffs-Churchgate. 

What should I do if I think my child may have a SEND?

You should contact the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo). They may then advise you to contact your child’s GP. 

How will staff support my child?

  • The Learning Manager will work with your child on a daily basis to address all pastoral needs 
  • The Director of Learning has the overview of all students by assessing and reviewing students’ progress, as well as regularly meeting with members of their pastoral team to identify individual concerns and evaluation of relevant strategies. The SENDCo has the overview of this process. 
  • Subject teachers will ensure that all students, whatever their special educational needs, receive appropriate educational provision through a broad and balanced curriculum that is relevant and differentiated, and that demonstrates coherence and progression in learning 
  • Subject teachers will ensure that robust procedures are in place to monitor, review and evaluate learning outcomes that are not just based on assessment, but also the whole progress of the student in terms of their ability to access and make progress in the relevant subject. 
  • Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) observe students and provide regular feedback to the SENDCo communicating the needs of the students.   The SENDCo also undertakes regular observations and speaks with students regarding how they feel about lessons and any additional support that they need.  LSAs will work consistently with the same students at this present time, ensuring a rapport is built and increasing our capacity to review and adjust strategies as necessary. 
  • Intervention support work is put in place where appropriate during morning tutor sessions to support students with their English and Maths, as wel as important skills such as handwriting and financial numeracy, and important PHSE and Safeguarding assemblies 
  • Teaching staff effectively adapt lessons, deliver high quality teaching and have high aspirations for all students. 
  • The quality of SEND provision is regularly scrutinised by the SENDCo through analysis of progress reports, observations and strategy meetings alongside the Senior Leadership Team, the Principal and the Trustees of the Generations Multi-Academy Trust. 

How will I know how my child is doing?

  • Regular tracking and reporting data which can be accessed via Arbor 
  • Parents’ meetings and consultations with the school - this will be via Progress Evenings, or meetings with SENDCo/Learning + Team 
  • Contact with SENDCo and class teachers – all staff emails can be found on the website 
  • Annual Review for students with a Statement for Special Educational Needs/Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) 

How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child’s needs?

  • Careful planning by subject teachers and leaders to ensure appropriate access and achievement for all students 
  • Teachers must adapt their teaching to respond to the needs of all students – this is a basic training requirement that is met through teacher qualification and regularly addressed and updated through the school’s CPD and training programme for all staff members. 
  • School’s will follow the ‘Access, Plan, Do & Review’ process to ensure your child is making progress 
  • The SENDCo will monitor and evaluate the progress of students with SEND through the use of school assessment information, e.g. class-based assessments/records and the school’s assessment data. This analysis is then reviewed with each Head of Department and subsequent changes to the subject’s curriculum and strategy of delivery is agreed with all teachers in that department. 
  • Subject teachers recognise that no one learner is like another and differentiate to provide learning opportunities for all learners 
  • Examination Access Arrangements assessments 
  • Literacy Support, where appropriate, which is delivered in small groups 
  • Reviews of progress  to identify and assess students' progress and needs - the SENDCo also can choose to increase the frequency of this depending on the extent of the SEND of the student, and to tie in with any EHCP reviews 
  • LSAs support the class or subject teacher to meet the needs of individuals or groups of students with special needs. LSAs and staff are given specific training about the collaborative planning of lessons to meet the needs of all students 

What support will there be to reduce anxiety/ promote emotional wellbeing?

  • The schools employs a Learning Mentor who works with a variety of students to help them understand and manage their emotions, and the SENDCo and school Safeguarding Team work with a range of external agencies and organisations to ensure all Wellbeing needs are met, and where necessary individually targeted will be put in place. This includes referrals to more specialised support such as Rivers Outreach, Child and Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Education Psychology Service, Young Carers, Education Support Team for Medical Absence (ESTMA) and CHEXS. 
  • We always provide variety of opportunities to listen to the student’s views including 1:1 meetings, Student Conferences and the Student Executive. The Student Executive has been broken down to target specific areas of the school community such as Wellbeing Ambassadors and Anti-Bullying Advocates. 
  • Learning Managers, Directors of Learning, the school Mental Health leads and the pastoral team support students with self-esteem, anxiety, and social skills 
  • Personal, Social and Health Educational (PSHE) Programmes delivered during ATM sessions focussing on anti-bullying /friendships etc. 
  • Open and clear dialogue with all teachers and relevant staff – our communication and positive relations are the best tool for students to make progress. 
  • Wider outcomes including extracurricular activities and trips 
  • Physical activity in the mornings, on a structured basis, including use of the swimming pool before school where appropriate 
  • Medical Cards and First Aid support where applicable. 

What training have the staff supporting children with SEND had or are having?

  • As all teachers are teachers of Special Educational Needs, they will have had appropriate and regular training on Key topics and individual needs to ensure that every student’s needs are met. 
  • Learning Support Assistants have had appropriate personalised training to support individual students 
  • The SENDCo will help staff to identify students with SEND and there is a clear procedure for staff to follow regarding potential SEND issues being identified 
  • Learning Support Assistants are fully aware of the procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for students with SEND 
  • A robust programme of professional development is designed and maintained for both teaching and support staff. 

What Specialist Services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

If the teacher has tried strategies in class but data shows insufficient progress. The SENDCO will identify possible interventions to be put in place. If interventions show little impact, additional support/advice from outside agencies can be set up.  These could include: 

  • Educational Psychologist 
  • Specialist Advisory Teachers-Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired, Autism, Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dyspraxia) 
  • CHEXS Cheshunt Extended Services- provide services for young people and their families  
  • Rivers Educational Support Centre-provide 1:1 mentoring 
  • DSPL4 support for staff and families 
  • 2 LSAs are training as Speech and Language Experts for students with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) 


In addition, we have a school counsellor on site 3 days a week as well as the Learning Mentor available every day.  

How will you help me to support my child in their learning? How will I be involved in the discussion?

  • Progress Evenings take place every year and give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their class teacher 
  • Parents will be notified if the school decides to make special education provision for their child
  • Parents have the opportunity to join our Parents Group which meets half-termly to give the views and discuss whole group developments 
  • We provide regular reports on students’ progress across the year 
  • Regular contact with Learning Manager, Director of Learning and pastoral team 
  • Strategies to support SEND students disseminated to all staff with clear strategies/context for all SEN students 
  • Regular SEND training for staff 
  • How to support my child with learning booklet is given to parents at the year group information evening provides individual subject information with tips on how you can support your child 
  • Regular communication opportunities are available with the SENDCo 

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

  • Students with SEND join in school activities alongside other students, as far as is reasonable practical and compatible with their needs 
  • Appropriate provision and reasonable adjustments will be made where necessary 
  • Parents will be involved in the planning of school trips for their child. 
  • Medical support in place where necessary 
  • For school trips, we can either adapt the trip, so it is a shorter period of time or different venue, provide additional staff to support children with SEND or provide equally valuable in school experiences 

How accessible is the school environment?

  • Generations MAT complies with Equality Act 2010 - policy available online 
  • Each school has a good level of access and equipment for the students to use (Accessibility Plan available online) 
  • We have a range of strategies in place for disabled access with all areas of the school being able to be accessed via lifts or ramps 

Who can I contact for further information?

Dave Emmott (SENCo, Assistant Principal) 

How will the school prepare and support my child in transfer? 

  • Careful liaison with their previous school to ensure that the transition process is effective and the individual’s needs are met when they enter secondary school. This includes attending statement/EHC review meetings where relevant 
  • New Year 7 Induction day to integrate students into the school and meet relevant staff.  
  • The SENCO, along with Director of Learning for Year 7 visit our feeder Primary Schools to discuss any concerns with the class teacher and SENCO 
  • The school may also offer additional visits to the school prior to starting, as well as opportunities to meet other students and engage in small group activities. 
  • A similar programme is in place for Year 11 transition working closely with local Sixth Form providers and also Colleges 

How will the school’s resources be allocated and matched to children’s’ special educational needs?

  • SEND funding distributed where appropriate. For students with an EHCP, funding is distributed in a banding system (more information available on the school website) 
  • Exceptional Needs Funding provided via an application made by the school to County in exceptional circumstances – these funds are now banded by the extent of SEN. 
  • Additional Targeted Funding (ATF) is made available to schools where there is a significant increase in the amount of students with SEND. Goffs-Churchgate qualifies for this under the current regulations. 

How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?

  • The decision is made about your child’s support is made by gathering data and information from the SENCo, class teachers, Learning Support Assistants, you the parent/carer, the student and any external agencies that are working with the student and using it to put appropriate interventions in place that ensure your child makes progress 

Parental communication and consultation at every stage of this process is vital. 

Where can I find out about the Hertfordshire’s offer of services and provision for children and young people with SEN?

As part of the reforms, Hertfordshire has developed a ‘local offer’ for young people and families of children with SEND. 

Information can be found at